The Story Behind The Smile
In 2011, Carlyn Shaw, Founder of Strangers To Friends bought a shirt that said "Whoever Smiles First Wins" and quickly felt the power to shift energy and invite people to say hi and connect!
Then, in 2013, she lost her front teeth in bike accident, which was both emotionally and physically painful. She knew she had a choice: rather than hide, she courageously wore her shirt and continued to smile, building confidence and showing nothing can steal your smile, even if we don't have teeth!
Fast forward to 2020. Carlyn continued created her own line of shirts to spread joy and invite human connection. But, most importantly, remind us all that when we smile for ourselves, we've already won :)
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Everyone Has A Powerful Story Behind Their Smile. What's Yours? We'd LOVE to share your Smile Story! Email:
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